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Percentage Change Calculator

Percentage Change Calculator

Percentage Calculators: Understanding Percentages and How to Calculate Them

Introduction: What is a percentage?

Percentages are a fundamental concept in mathematics and everyday life. Simply put, a percentage represents a portion or fraction of a whole, usually expressed as a value out of 100. Percentages are used to compare quantities, express proportions, and analyze changes over time.

Percentage Formula:

The percentage formula is a basic mathematical expression used to calculate the percentage of a quantity relative to a whole. It is represented as:


This formula calculates the percentage by dividing the part by the whole and then multiplying by 100 to express the result as a percentage.

Percentage Difference Formula:

The percentage difference formula is used to measure the difference between two values as a percentage of one of the values. It is represented as:

Percentage Difference=∣New Value−Old ValueOld Value∣×100Percentage Difference=∣∣​Old ValueNew Value−Old Value​∣∣​×100

This formula calculates the percentage difference by finding the absolute difference between the new and old values, dividing by the old value, and then multiplying by 100 to express the result as a percentage.

Percentage Change Formula with Examples:

The percentage change formula calculates the relative change between two values over time. It is represented as:

Percentage Change=(New Value−Old ValueOld Value)×100Percentage Change=(Old ValueNew Value−Old Value​)×100

This formula calculates the percentage change by finding the difference between the new and old values, dividing by the old value, and then multiplying by 100 to express the result as a percentage.

Example 1: Suppose the price of a product increases from $50 to $60. To calculate the percentage increase: Percentage Increase=(60−5050)×100=20%Percentage Increase=(5060−50​)×100=20%

Example 2: Consider a population that decreases from 1000 to 800. To calculate the percentage decrease: Percentage Decrease=(800−10001000)×100=−20%Percentage Decrease=(1000800−1000​)×100=−20%


How do I calculate a percentage?

To calculate a percentage, divide the part by the whole and then multiply by 100.

What is the difference between percentage increase and percentage decrease?

Percentage increase measures the growth or expansion of a value, while percentage decrease measures the reduction or contraction of a value.

How do I use percentage change in real-life scenarios?

Percentage change is commonly used in finance to analyze stock market trends, track economic indicators, and evaluate business performance.

Percentages play a crucial role in mathematics, economics, and everyday life. Understanding how to calculate percentages and interpret percentage changes can help in making informed decisions and analyzing data effectively.